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Experimenting for growth

A data-driven approach to tackling common sales & marketing challenges head-on

The art of experimentation has taken place for hundreds of years. Even today, they're a popular method for testing a hypothesis in a controlled manner. 

Marketing experiments are no different. They're simply a way of testing one or more ways to overcome just some of the challenges we face in pursuing growth.

At Active Profile, we're keen advocates of experimentation: a low-risk, low-cost way of gaining rich insights and data to inform what we do next. As an agency, we approach all challenges in this way - and we encourage clients to approach their challenges through this lens too.

So, whether you can't quite understand why your messaging isn't landing, are struggling to generate quality leads, or face consistent challenges when trying to convert opportunities into sales, experiments could be the answer. 


The methodology we use

We wish we could take credit for this, but we can't. The marketing methodology we use to deliver data-driven experiments comes from Google and XXX. It's a simple yet effective way to reframe the common challenges that businesses and founders face, positioning them in a much more constructive way - rather than focusing on the negative, "how might we" achieve X or Y?

Once we've flipped a problem on its head, we're looking at it through a different lens; it's now less of a challenge and more of an opportunity. 

Common 'how might we' scenarios could include:

  • How might we increase our newsletter mailing list?
  • How might we drive greater volumes of leads?
  • How might we close more opportunities in our pipeline?
  • How might we collect the data investors want to see when we're looking for investment?

...all of which marketing could provide the answers to. We just need to approach the experiment in the right way, with the right tactics to uncover the right insights.

Experimenting for Growth

Download your copy of our brand new eBook.


Our approach



Experiment co-creation workshop


Experiment design


Experiment takes place


Data interrogation


Evaluation & knowledge sharing


Let's experiment together

Have you got a challenge that you're struggling to overcome? How about we solve it together? 

Drop me an email or book a meeting with me at a time that suits.