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Boost your lead gen with online events

Maintaining engagement during hybrid working


Due to the transition to hybrid working, many planned events now take place online. Key opportunities to communicate have decreased along with your face to face engagement.

Taking your events online allows you to connect with your audience from the comfort of home, generating quality leads and remaining front of mind with your audience.

Online events can be daunting, they rely heavily on technology, and your content will need to be more relevant than ever.

Here's our approach to taking different kinds of events online.

Contact us to find out about our events packages


Event type

What kind of event?

With face to face events out of the question, people are looking for event formats they are familiar with. 

Events we can offer:

  • Webinar
  • Panel
  • Round Table
  • Training
  • Workshop


What platform?

The power of technology

Active Profile can help you choose the right technology platform for your event and work with you to set up and to test the technology within your infrastructure.

Popular platforms include:

  • Zoom
  • Go To Webinar
  • Skype For Business
  • Google Hangouts
  • Microsoft Teams


Choose your audience

Audience and content strategy

There are a number of channels to promote your event and make sure you have the right attendees for your subject matter.

Key aspects to consider:

  • Do you have an existing data set?
  • Do you need your data cleaning/auditing?
  • Who are your key personas?
  • What social media do you use?
  • Where can we best use targeted paid media?


Content is king

Event content plan and creation

Your events marketing is just as important as the event messaging itself, the content plan needs to be clear and engaging.

Content to consider:

  • Clear title and synopsis
  • Core agenda to be shared with the event invite
  • Social media posts and tiles
  • Well designed and relevant slide deck
  • Video content – will you have anything to share?


Channel mix and promotion

Getting a plan together

We create a plan of demand generation outputs and a clear promotion plan for your event.

The plan should include:

  • Channel mix
  • Suggested frequency of promotion
  • Post sign up follow up activity
  • Post event follow up activity


Cross channel promotion

Promotion delivery

We can manage the roll out of your events promotion across different channels to generate leads for your upcoming event.

Promotion could include:

  • Roll out of channel mix and promotion plan
  • Multi channel content created
  • Multi channel assets e.g. social media tiles
  • Email communications to encourage sign ups
  • Email communications to attendees post sign up
  • PR
  • Targeted paid media
  • Funnel management within CRM


Sign up management

Who is attending?

An event is nothing without attendees. There are a range of channels to consider when promoting an event to encourage sign ups.

Key sign up management tools:

  • Consider and choose a platform for RSVPs
  • Landing page creation



Do a dummy run

To make sure your event goes without a hitch, we would suggest a full dummy run. This should run through all aspects of the event.

What to test:

  • Webinar platform and functions such as surveys
  • Testing ability to mute attendees
  • All slides
  • All video content
  • Event location – is the lighting right?


On the day event support

Helping you through

We can offer support during your event to make sure everything remains on track.

An additional host can help by:

  • Monitoring in event survey results
  • Monitoring questions and comments
  • Managing the slides and other media content
  • Muting and unmuting attendees


Follow up and impact report

Nurturing leads

Following the event, you will hopefully have a list of engaged individuals at your disposal. Following up quickly with a clear call to action will help you nurture these contacts.

Ways to nurture leads:

  • Follow up emails with a clear CTA
  • Sharing event content eg slides
  • Follow up survey
  • Follow up events with exclusive invites for past attendees
  • Social media content from event
  • Creation of a post event impact report

Contact us to find out about our events packages